Sessions, invited speakers, tutorials, detailed program, and more
The LTD-18 workshop scientific program will include a plenary session with tutorials, invited and contributed oral presentations along with a permanent poster session.
Low Temperature Detector development and physics
Transition-edge sensor (TES), Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters (MMCs), Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs), Nanowires, Si and Ge thermistors, Superconducting Tunnel Junction (STJ), Hybrid detectors, other and novel devices
Detector readout, signal processing, and related technologies
Multiplexing, SQUIDs, Amplifiers, Parametric amplifiers, Microwave electronics, Filtering, Data Acquisition, Digital signal processing, Data modeling and statistical analysis, Refrigeration, Noise reduction, Cryogenfree refrigeration, Space cryogenics, Detector calibration
Low Temperature Detector fabrication techniques and materials
Device microfabrication, MEMs, Pixels engineering, Array engineering, Antennas, Wiring, New materials, Low activity materials
Low Temperature Detector applications
Dark Matter, Neutrino and Rare event searches, Astrophysics and cosmology (mm-wave, THZ, IR, Visible, X-ray, Gamma-ray), Nuclear and Particle Physics, Material analysis, Life Science, Cultural Heritage, Homeland security
Low Temperature Detector for quantum technologies and other frontiers
Quantum Communication and Cryptography, Qubits, Quantum Computing, Quantum Sensing, Single photon detection
Technology transfer, outreach, and dissemination
Commercial analytical instrumentation, Industrial and commercial applications, Transfer and integration of knowledge, Spin-offs and public engagement