Poster promotion video

Poster presenters can create a short video to introduce their poster. It will be projected in common areas (registration hall, piazza, etc.) during the conference.

Instructions for the poster promotion videos

General rules

Maximum file size: 50 MB

Length: below 1 minute

Please add your title, name, affiliation at the beginning

Upload the movie to the LTD-18 Indico (select your poster in My Contributions and edit Presentation materials at the bottom to upload)

The deadline to upload the videos is July 16th

How to create a good movie (thanks to LTD-17 LOC)

[Step 0] Please look at an example created by Kushino-san: or look at one of the videos awarded at LTD-17: TES for ATHENA (Kenichiro Nagayoshi & Marcel Ridder, SRON)

[Step 1] Collect photos, or movies that you want to present

[Step 2] Put the photos and movies into imovie (mac) or movie maker (windows), or anything else. Another easy way to create a movie is to store your powerpoint file or keynote file as a movie. You can save your screen using, for example, quick time player.

[Step 3] Add title, your name, affiliation using text box (imovie) or text frame (movie maker).

[Step 4] Add voice (imovie) or voice (movie maker).

[Step 5] Add Ken Burns Effect in imovie or movie maker.

[Step 6] Add background music if you like, and other supplemental effects.

[Step 7] Adjust the length to be less than one minute.

[Step 8] Export the movie. Super-high resolution should not be chosen. Standard or computer use is sufficient for our display. A file size should be less than 50MB.

[Step 9] Upload the movie file to Indico

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